Windows 10 and Speech Processing / Recognition products.

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Windows 10 and Speech Processing / Recognition products.

Microsoft released the final version of Windows 10 on July 29th 2015.

Here is our latest update on our most common products like Philips SpeechExec, Nuance Dragon, Olympus Dictation and Winscribe software in the Windows 10 environments:

PhilipsSpeech Exec and Windows 10

Currently Philips are testing SpeechExec 8.7 with the release build of Windows 10 Pro 64-bit Version and Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit version.

Please note: Windows 10 will be officially supported from SpeechExec 8.7-SR1 onwards which is scheduled for late October 2015.

Speech Exec Software – all 32-bit version of Windows 10 will not be supported.

In case of an upgrade from an earlier Windows version to Windows 10 with installed SpeechExec Pro software please proceed as follows:

• Revoke all SpeechExec licenses from SpeechExec Help menu > License information

• Uninstall the current SpeechExec version (user settings will be kept)

• Uninstall all SQL components belonging to SpeechExec Pro

• Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro 64-bit or Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit

• Install SpeechExec 8.7 with the revoked license key


Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 / Legal NZ & DMPE 3 support for Windows 10:

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 / Dragon Legal NZ and Dragon Medical Practice Edition 3 are supported on Windows 10. Customers who have a qualified Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1 device that already has Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 installed should be able to upgrade to Windows 10 without needing to re-install DNS 13.  Similarly, customers who upgrade to Windows 10 should be able to subsequently install DNS 13 without issue.

Are there any known issues running Dragon 13 or DMPE 3 on Windows 10?

Windows 10 has two main modes: desktop mode and tablet mode. In desktop mode, Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 should work with all previously supported applications. In tablet mode, where applications become viewable as full screen, Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 should also continue to function normally with previously supported applications. There may be some cosmetic variances in the behavior of the DragonBar, and some UI elements, such as the Learning Center, may appear in full screen mode. These issues should not impact the use of Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13.

Nuance is currently investigating the use of certain voice commands with Outlook 2013, which can cause Outlook to freeze. Customers can continue to dictate into Outlook 2013 using full text control without issue. We will provide more detail regarding the use of voice commands with Outlook 2013 in additional support documents. Other supported versions of Outlook work as expected with Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 on Windows 10.

How will Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 & DMPE 3 work with Windows 10 applications, (Edge browser / Universal apps)?

Edge is a new browser from Microsoft that comes with Windows 10. Microsoft has not published any APIs for developers such as Nuance that would enable us to do advanced integration with Edge. As a result, customers can do basic dictation into edit controls in an Edge browser but they may not be able use full text controls or other advanced voice commands.

  • DNS 13 supports alternate browsers, such as Internet Explorer or Chrome, on Windows 10 with the same level of functionality provided on Windows 7 and 8/8.1.
  • Universal apps are the successor to Metro apps in Windows 8/8.1. Dragon Naturally Speaking 13 will provide the same level of basic dictation support for Universal apps on Windows 10 as it did for Metro apps in Windows 8/8.1.


NOTE: Windows 10 has new or modified features, such as the new Start menu, that were not available in Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1. As a result, customers may not be able to use voice commands to control the new features in Windows 10.

Will Nuance be providing a patch or update for Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 or DMPE 3 on Windows 10?

Nuance are continuing evaluating Windows 10 and will notify customers if there are any planned updates.


Olympus Dictation Management System (ODMS) and Windows 10

No information has yet been released regarding Windows 10, but initial checks on Olympus ODMS, both dictation module and transcription module and initial tests are good, no obvious compatibility issues.

The latest edition of Olympus Dictation Management System software – ODMS R6.1 – offically support Windows 8 operating system, Office 2010 x64 and new versions of virtual environment products, including VMware View 4.6/5.0 and Citrix XenApp with Citrix Receiver 3.x.


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