Philips Speech Live

Philips SpeechLive

A versatile dictation & transcription platform that streamlines audio recordings, transcriptions and document management.
Free trial available!

Philips SpeechLive apps Apple app

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Please fill the form and one of our friendly Speechlive experts will contact you.
Speechlive seamlessly integrates into your workflows!


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SpeechLive: Your cloud-based
dictation and transcription platform

Record with a smartphone, smart watch, digital voice recorder, or PC with a microphone.

Dictation audio files flow automatically to your selected PA, assistant or workgroup for transcription.

Access your transcribed documents via the web or your email inbox.
Review, edit, save, and send as per
your requirements.

Integrated Speech-to-text feature:
Instant trascription via speech recognition (add-on feature).

Speechlive 10 is here!

The latest version is packed with new powerful features:
– The brand new reports tab with useful progress reports
Extended third-party webhooks and API
Extended audio file support
New integrated Speech-to-text feature

and lots of smaller workflow and interface improvements.
Free trial available!


Philips SpeechLive​: A Cloud Based Dictation Workflow Solution

Work from wherever and whenever you want: Speechlive is a secure, cloud-based dictation and transcription solution with integrated web recorder.

Philips SpeechLive allows both author and typist to work from anywhere, no software required.

Author: Record dictations with a smartphone, Apple watch, conventional dictation device, or PC with microphone.

Typist: No installed software needed, just a computer and internet connection.


Free trial available!

Philips speechlive laptop with worklist and app

”There was a two hour dictation that would have taken the best part of a day to type up, and [with Speechlive] they got it done an hour or two, including the time it takes to run it through speech recognition.”


Nick Faithfull 
Application Specialist

Philips speechlive speech to text

SpeechLive STT (speech-to-text / speech recognition)

Convert your words to transcripts automatically using speech recognition!

SpeechLive speech-to-text is a add-on product. Please contact us if you are interested.

Dragon Professional Anywhere and Speechlive Integration

Dragon Professional Anywhere now integrates with Philips Speechlive

If you prefer using Dragon, you can now use Dragon Professional Anywhere speech recognition within Philips Speechlive.

dragon speechlive

Bundle and save!

We have a special bundle price for
Speechlive + Dragon Professional Anywhere. Please contact us if you are interested.


Philips SpeechLive

Key Features and Benefits

Authors and Typists can work anywhere anytime

Authors access and manage dictations through a browser from anywhere.

Be mobile

The Philips SpeechLive app allows you to take full control of your document creation workflow. You can turn your dictations into written text quicker and easier than ever before. The app offers professional quality recording functions, such as the ability to insert or cut audio sequences and even allows you to attach images to your recordings.

Smooth integration into existing workflows

SpeechLive works perfectly with Philips devices and can easily be implemented into an existing workflow.

Always Up to Date

Philips browser-based software is always current and up to date. Obsolescence and the need for version upgrades are a thing of the past.

OS independent:

Windows, Mac, and virtual clients all supported.

Highest security standards

SpeechLive offers highly secure regionally based (Sydney) Microsoft Azure online storage thanks to HTTPS protocol, automatic double encryption in real-time, server mirroring and an automatic back up. Keeping your data reliably secured and available at all times.

Excellent workflow management

Adapt the solution to your company's way of working. Administrators can easily define authors and typists, as well as assigning the workflow from any anywhere in the world.

Simple reporting

SpeechLive provides full reporting of author and typist access, turnaround times and more allowing you to quantify the value of your investment.

Flexible subscriptions

SpeechLive adapts to suit the needs of your business by giving you the opportunity to adjust the number of users.

Cloud Based Dictation & Transcription Workflow Solution

Document creation has never been easier!
SpeechLive is a flexible on-demand cloud solution and offers you full mobility.

You can now take control of your entire dictation workflow from your smartphone or PC, in the office or on the go.

All you need is Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browser and you are ready to go!

 Windows or Mac OS compatible.

SpeechLive Pricing

per user/year

  • $359

  • per user, annually
  • +
  • One-time setup fee of $95 per user

Each individual SpeechLive user now has their own tally of 200 minutes to trial the speech-to-text feature for free.
When the 200 minutes are used up you can add speech recognition to your SpeechLive subscription for $274.80 per year per user (excl. GST).
Please contact us if you are interested in the speech-to-text feature.

philips speechlive laptop with worklist

Get your free trial and talk to one of our experts

We help you find the best dictation solution and equipment for your needs!


View our privacy policy.

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Philips Speechlive Partner
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We help you work smarter

We draw on 20 plus years of experience to provide specialist end-to-end professional dictation solutions and services; from initial consultation, scoping, solution design and implementation through to worry free maintenance and support services.

Technical/User Support

Speechlive technology is remarkably stable but problems do occasionally arise and user help is required. 

Our friendly New Zealand-based help desk team is able to provide remote or onsite support as required. You can be assured that the technical support you receive is first class. 

We are fully authorised by Philips and our technical team works closely with Philips to ensure any unknown issues are investigated fully and solved as quickly as possible.