Speech-to-text and Dictation Solutions for Insurance & Finance Professionals
Boost Your Productivity:
Upgrade Your Note-Taking and Document Creation Workflow
Work smarter and streamline your daily tasks
Insurance and finance professionals deal with a lot of paperwork like compliance documentation, reports, client notes, proposals and other documents.
Typing these documents can really slow you down, so the built in speech-to-text apps on mobile devices seem practical. However, they aren’t very accurate, requiring a lot of manual text correction afterward, which is time-consuming.
More and more organisations in the finance and insurance industry are deploying speech-to-text solutions broadly to speed document turnaround, reduce transcription costs, and streamline repetitive workflows – without having to change current business processes or existing information systems.
Stay competitive and save time by leveraging advanced, professional tools!
We help you work more efficiently
Dictate with Microsoft Nuance Dragon
Nuance Dragon software is a high calibre speech-to-text solution offering very high accuracy & customizable productivity features and is widely used in professional settings.
It is so much more than just a dictation tool: Dragon lets you quickly and easily format, correct, and navigate notes using your voice. Eliminate repetitive data entry by inserting commonly used blocks of text into reports and emails. You can also create your own commands that will perform an action or series of keystrokes, such as opening a webpage or replying to an email.
Property valuers are impressed with the accuracy, speed and versatility of Nuance Dragon and report saving up to 2 hours per day using it.
Talk to us today: No obligations, just insights!
"I have been using Dragon for dictation of reports for 5 years or so which has vastly improved the time it takes me to write a report. "
Martyn Craven
Registered Valuer, MA (Cantab), FNZIV, FPINZ,
CBRE Valuation & Advisory Services, Rotorua
SpeechLive: Transform your Transcription Workflow
Philips SpeechLive is a comprehensive cloud-based platform that helps streamline dictation & transcription workflows. Authors and typists can securely store and access voice recordings and
transcriptions from any location, facilitating flexible working
arrangements, while the built-in speech recognition helps reduce
transcription time.
Philips SpeechLive empowers your organization to optimize resource allocation, streamline collaboration, and achieve a new level of efficiency in day-to-day operations.
Sound Business Systems
Professional Services
consultation, solution design and implementation
Benefit from over two decades of expertise in professional speech-to-text and
dictation solutions with Sound Business Systems. We offer specialized end-to-end
professional services; from initial consultation, scoping, solution design and implementation through to worry free maintenance and support services.
Technical/User Support and Training
We have a full help desk team able to provide remote or onsite support as required and you can be assured that the technical support you receive from Sound Business is first class.
With many hundred installations throughout New Zealand and New Zealand we know all products we distribute intimately.
What our customers say
Clayton Munting
B. Com (VPM), ANZIV, SNZPI Director, Edwards Valuations Limited, Auckland
“The arrival of Covid altered both our personal and business lives, in some ways for the better. I now work from the comfort of my home and utilise a remote typist. This saves me a lot of time, has greatly reduced my overheads, and is so easy to use. Sound Business Systems has helped me adjust my business model to become so much lighter, nimble and cost effective, allowing me more freedom to concentrate on the needs of my clients.”
Martyn Craven
Registered Valuer, MA (Cantab), FNZIV, FPINZ,
CBRE Valuation & Advisory Services, Rotorua
“I have been using Dragon for dictation of reports for 5 years or so which has vastly improved the time it takes me to write a report. Typing at the speed of dictation means I can quickly put thoughts onto paper (screen) and concentrate on technical issues rather than my limited secretarial abilities.”
We help you work more efficiently
Our Customers
Anderson Lloyd
Anthony Harper
Armstrong Barton (Wanganui)
Ascot Angiography
Auckland District Health Board
Bay Of Plenty District Health Board
Canterbury District Health Board
Canterbury Legal Services
Cavell Leitch Law
Chapman Tripp
Clark Boyce
Cook Morris Quinn
Cooney Lees Morgan
Cooper Rapley
Counties Manukau District Health Board
Fitzherbert Rowe
Fletcher Vautier Moore
Gallie Miles
Gawith & Burridge
Gibson Sheat
Govett Quilliam
Greenwood Roche Chisnall
Harkness Henry
Harris Tate
Hawkes Bay District Health Board
Hesketh Henry
Horsley Christie
Life Unlimited
Hutt Valley District Health Board
Knapps lawyers
Lakes District Health Board
MacKenzie Elvin Solicitors
Malley & Co
McCaw Lewis Ltd
Mercy Endoscopy
MidCentral District Health Board
Ministry for Primary Industries
Minter Ellison Rudd Watts
NelsonMarlborough District Health Board
Norris Ward
Northland District Health Board
NZ Police
Russell McVeagh
Sharp Tudhope
Sheffield Group Ltd
South Canterbury District Health Board
Taranaki District Health Board
Tasman District Council
Te Omanga Hospice
Te Taiwhenua O Heretaunga
Tompkins Wake
Urology Assoc.
Waikato District Health Board
Wairarapa District Health Board
Waitemata District Health Board
WCM Legal
West Coast District Health Board
Whanganui District Health Board
White Fox & Jones
Woodward Chrisp